Pride… A Day At the African American History Museum

“From the curve of my hips to the thickness of my lips….the hue of my skin or my strength from within….I am a black woman…..feel my intensity….as I burn with the brightness of 10000000 suns……”

Today was a good day for me. I had the time to go down to the Reginald F. Lewis Museum and soak up some information. It seems like no matter how many times i take a trip to that museum, I glean something new with every visit. Today , one of the things that constantly caught my eye were the quotes inscibed above the exhbits. Each quote told a story. Here are a few quotes that caught my eye and a special treat for all of my #HBCU students in Maryland– they dedicated an entire section to us and our tradition of excellence  🙂 Enjoy this history lesson and these pieces of inspiration as much as I did.

Until next time GLAMs 😉

XOXO Kierra Joanee ❤